Start: 06/2009
End: 05/2012
IPAT - Integrated platform to quantify Physical Activity as outcome measure and Treatment option
The ultimate aim is the development and validation of an integrated discovery platform to handle –transmit, store, analyse and display – Physical activity (PA) data in the context of patients diseased with MS. This should allow an objective evaluation of long-term disability and in parallel give an objective measurement of the “dose of treatment” with PA. The project investigates the value of physical activity as outcome measure that is followed along the course of the disease with and without treatment in
relation to other biomarkers. We will assess new quantitative measures for a patient’s mobility using a novel microelectronic wearable device based on three dimensional accelerometry, the “actibelt”, seen as a supplementary method to measure disability related parameters with potentially less inter- and intra observer variability than the current gold standard EDSS.
Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Hertie Foundation